Saturday, January 24, 2009

There are no limits to caring!

It is time to eliminate hunger! My service learning site - the Everett Food Bank - is dedicated to providing nutrition to the people of our region. Never before have there been so many hungry people in our region, not even since the depression in the 30s. Just getting to the food bank takes an enormous physical and emotional effort for many families.
The Volunteers of America operate two food banks and I will be working at their Everett site. Their philosophy of service revolves around the idea that people are best helped when they are taught the skills and given the timely, targeted support they need to make their lives self-sustainable. This is how they strive to carry out our mission to reach, serve and empower diverse individuals, families and communities.

Volunteers of America Western Washington. January 24, 2009.

One in nine people will visit a food bank in Snohomish County this year. In Everett alone, 2600 families are served, most of them seniors and children from working families. The food bank provides assistance to those who are having trouble making ends meet each month.

I went to visit my site yesterday for an orientation. Unfortunately, the director was called last meet to work on one of the trucks, so she was not able to give me my orientation, but I will be back for that next week. As I entered the building, I felt lucky. I am able to provide for my family. I am so appreciative though that there are services like the VOA to help families who are not able to provide for their family. Some of these families visit the food bank consistently and for some it may be a one time visit in a specific time of need.

To volunteer at the VOA Everett food bank was the choice for my service project because of it's location and the many people they help right here in my community. As a child, my family fell on hard times as well, and because of services like this we were healthy and provided for. Now that I am successful enough to provide for myself, I wanted to give that back to the community. As a part of volunteering my time, I'll also be donating food and money this is me helping building my community. In our first Seminar I wrote about a quote from Three Cups of Tea, "Slowly and painfully, we are seeing worldwide acceptance of the fact that the wealthier and more technologically advanced countries have a responsibility to help the undeveloped ones" (Mortenson, 53). Although this quote cannot directly be related to this situation, the princial holds true - if I am considered more fortunuate, then I have an obligation to help those who are less fortunate.


  1. Well Written Kevin! I too am helping out in a food bank. Though my family never had to face financial dificulties, I too have felt the same tug to help out and give back to my community. I have participated in many volunteering projects throughout my life and I have never grown tired of beign able to benefit someone else's life. I am glad to here your enthusiasm and desire to serve your community! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Ps: At the food bank I am volunteering at I am hoping to encourage people to help support this cause and get the place looking better. It really could use a new floor to cover over the cement one it has now and it really could use a paint job.

  2. Kevin, your obvious concern for others is so meaningful to so many. Four and a half years ago I attended the food bank that you are volunteering at, as a person who was hungry and struggling to get well. Today I have been blessed with a family and have almost five years clean. The last time I visited the food bank, here in Everett, was to donate several cans of formula that my child no longer needed. Not everyone gets well, and does what others think they should, but everyone is human and deserve compassion just as much as the next. God bless your providing for your family and for caring about others.
